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Monday, April 14, 2008

CFP: Technology Management education

This CFP on technology management education is from the AMLE, top management education journal. For the purpose of this blog, it’s important to note the link back to a 2004 special issue on entrepreneurship education. See the complete call for papers.

Call for Papers
Academy of Management Learning & Education
2009 Special Issue


Guest Editors:

Phillip Phan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Donald S. Siegel, University of California, Riverside
Mike Wright, University of Nottingham

The teaching of technology management has a long history in business schools. However, the nature of such education and its focus has changed in recent years. For example, the emphasis on entrepreneurship, venture capital, and emerging technologies has reinvigorated the discipline and brought new issues and new educators to the forefront. The rise of a knowledge-based economy has also focused greater attention on innovation and the commercialization of intellectual property. New institutions (e.g., incubators and science parks) and new organizational forms (e.g., research-based joint ventures, and technology alliances) have emerged that may have profound effects on technology management education. Non-profit institutions, most notably, universities and federal laboratories, have become much more aggressive in protecting and exploiting their intellectual property. They are also working much more closely with industry and government.


What are the implications of recent advances in entrepreneurship education (e.g., the 2004 AMLE's Special Issue on Entrepreneurship Education) for research on technology management education?


Submissions should be received by September 1, 2008 and should be accompanied by an assurance of originality and exclusivity.

About this blog

This blog is intended to explore the intersection of engineering and entrepreneurship education. Given my business card says “innovation and entrepreneurship” and my background running a startup software company, it’s a longtime interest.

Since I have other blogs, I’m not sure how much time this one will get, but it has an obvious focus distinct from the others. So we’ll see.